Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Thing 11

Ok--don't throw me into the briar patch!!! I could get lost in this one. It is just books, books, books--my favoorite thing. I loved it because it is a site for book lovers. I started making my list and it could go on forever. I liked the Zeitgeist to see all of the places you could go such as 25 most reviewed books, top 25 authors, top books, and others. I got lost in the groups, so many to see and read. All in all a most excellent site. I am now reading the new John Grisham boo, The Appeal. Also I added 2 of the new James Patterson books. He is my new craze. I love reading his books.

1 comment:

LUV2GO said...

This is not necessarily a comment on Thing 11 as it is on your profile. I too am a librarian at a 1A school (soon to be 1B next year)for grades 7-12. I am very interested in how you incorporate Web 2.0 in our size school. I bet we face some of the same challenges of funding, limited classes in the curriculum, teachers teaching multiple courses/preps, etc. It's hard to relate to many school libraries that are larger with more resources. I also see that we share a love for travel!